So your child hates school, huh? Been there. The problem with having a child who hates school is that school is pretty much a non-negotiable part of life. Schooling–of...
Getting rid of my kiddo’s stuffed animals and plush toys was rough. Seriously. Especially my daughter’s favorite stuffies. She wasn’t very old before we realized that stuffed animals were...
How does a Minimalist Lifestyle Help you Mother Better? Mothering is hard. Wonderful. Fantastic. Life changing. A really, really good thing. But it is difficult. Time consuming. Energy consuming....
Mental health issues are big news these days. Mental illnesses are getting increased attention because of COVID and the publication of statistics highlighting increasing problems with children’s mental health....
My kids are 10 and 14 and I’ve had time to think about habits we’ve developed as a family. Some I’m happy with and others, not-so-much. As my husband...
There are many schedules out there for moms of ADHD children. But what about moms who have ADHD themselves? We know that a consistent schedule is helpful for everyone,...
I’m not sure I can write an article about minimalist toys without thinking back. Back to 11 years ago, there’s a beautiful image in my head. So, so beautiful....
I used to look forward to family movie night—all four of us cozying up, eating popcorn, and watching movies in the dark. That was before my son morphed into...