Discovering Joy and Simplicity in Life's Chaos.
Your path to a more focused, joyous, and mindful life is through The Crazy Simple. We're here to help you simplify in a chaotic world. We will equip you with useful advice so that you can organize your life and make room for the important things—joy, meaningful relationships, and mindfulness.
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You can find inspiration, knowledge, and lifestyle advice in our featured articles. Explore the newest concepts, stories, and trends to improve your daily life. Explore now!"
- Favorites, Featured, Minimalism, Raising Kids, Simplifying
- Featured, Mindfulness, Your Time
Discover Minimalism
Minimalism offers a new viewpoint in a world that is frequently cluttered with excess and distraction. It motivates us to clean, simplify, and get rid of the extraneous items so that we can concentrate on what is most important—our interests, our relationships, and our personal development.
About Me
I’d love to share my life's journey with you. Let’s build and nurture a kinder, more mindful and united world together.

Hi, I’m Janet! I’m a writer, educator, blogger, Mom, sister, wife…I wear many hats.
I’m sure you do, too. And that’s why The Crazy Simple exists. To help myself and you, my awesome readers, make this this life thing just a bit easier. It’s always going to be somewhat crazy but I’ve discovered that with intention and clarity, life can be a bit more simple as well.
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I’d love you to share your life journey with me. Let’s build and nurture a kinder, more mindful and united world together.
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